Tantric massage can be a way to introduce a slower, more intentional, and more intimate form of sexuality into a couple's sex life.
Couples can orgasm during a tantra massage, though it's not the goal. Tantric massage is more about leaning into pleasure, releasing energetic blocks and tension, and connecting spiritually with another person. Intercourse is not usually part of a tantra massage, though tantra massage can be incorporated into a tantric sexual experience between a couple.
Ease your mind.
It's natural to feel nervous if you've never experienced a tantric massage before. However, tantric massage is a professional treatment that is safe for both you and your partner to achieve erotic bliss either outside your home or at your own location. Your masseuse is well-educated in tantric techniques that will help you to develop your sexual knowledge and satisfy your partner.
Talk to your masseuse
When you first meet your masseuse, he will discuss the services he offers as well as your likes, dislikes and requirements. This is your chance to acknowledge any worries or questions you may have about the massage.
Observation will heighten your sexual awareness.
Observing your partner being aroused by tantric massage means you can both learn new ways of pleasuring each other. For instance, couples who want to expand their sexual knowledge to try a body-to-body massage, in which skin-to-skin contact is made to provide a wonderful erotic feeling. You can watch as your partner is being pleasured, learn new skills and explore them in your own home.
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